Buying and Selling Properties on WinnipesaukeeThe Lakes Region Market August 28, 2022

Summer is Coming to an End

The days are getting cooler, the nights are starting earlier, and the traffic, though still intense, is a bit more reasonable.  Hannaford’s is not as crowded and although we’re still waiting for Labor Day, it’s starting to have that cooler, dryer “fall” feel.

The Real Estate market is slowing too.  Although homes are still moving, we’re starting to see more price drops and homes are staying on the market longer.  That’s a result of the seasonal nature of the Lakes Region, but it feels a bit more pronounced in August.

Days on Market has remained relatively consistent.

 Month Homes Sold Days on Market
April 8 32
May 10 16
June 17 12






Full month August data is still pending and September will be interesting.